It all started on Sunday while I was being an awesome husband, wherein I was doing the dishes and listening to Pandora.
Side note: If you guys don't know what is, I highly reccommend it. It is a website that will customize an entire radio station for you based on one or more songs or bands that you choose. So, say you really like the song that is playing in the Cave right now. You can go to Pandora, type in this song, and it will make an entire station of music that has similar characteristics of the song.
Anyway, I looked at the Pandora window and it had a little "download Pandora for your Blackberry" advertisement. I was curious as to whether Bridgette could adequately stream music, so I tried it. I sometimes use Bridgette as an MP3 player at the gym (but now I usually use my Zune) so I was thinking that streaming Pandora would be perfect for times when I didn't have my Zune for some reason...because I always have Bridgette
The next day it happenned.
I was driving home from work (which usually takes me 45 minutes) and my Zune battery died. I put the Zune away, but received an email at the same time. Traffic was bad, so I checked the email. I didn't need any canadian meds, so I put Bridgette down onto my to my lonely, Zuneless, FM modulator. At that point I could hear Bridgette saying come on Nate, plug me know you want it. I can't beleive I never thought of trying to stream music in my car. I guess it isn't all that straight-forward as cars don's have the internet, but still, I am usually on top of that kind of stuff.
It was awesome, sounded great, had way better songs than any radio stations, and never has commercials. In short, it makes a long, crappy commute much better. In fact, after listening for only 10 minutes I couldn't see myself being without Pandora in the car ever again.
Thanks Bridgette, you're the best!