Monday, March 23, 2009

Falling in love more each day...with Bridgette

My love affair with Bridgette reached new heights recently as I found that she can also make my commute better.  Thereby leaving really only one thing in life that she can't do for me (no, she probably could get me that...she can't bear children)

It all started on Sunday while I was being an awesome husband, wherein I was doing the dishes and listening to Pandora.  

Side note: If you guys don't know what is, I highly reccommend it.  It is a website that will customize an entire radio station for you based on one or more songs or bands that you choose.  So, say you really like the song that is playing in the Cave right now.  You can go to Pandora, type in this song, and it will make an entire station of music that has similar characteristics of the song.

Anyway, I looked at the Pandora window and it had a little "download Pandora for your Blackberry" advertisement.  I was curious as to whether Bridgette could adequately stream music, so I tried it.  I sometimes use Bridgette as an MP3 player at the gym (but now I usually use my Zune) so I was thinking that streaming Pandora would be perfect for times when I didn't have my Zune for some reason...because I always have Bridgette

The next day it happenned.

I was driving home from work (which usually takes me 45 minutes) and my Zune battery died.  I put the Zune away, but received an email at the same time.  Traffic was bad, so I checked the email.  I didn't need any canadian meds, so I put Bridgette down onto my to my lonely, Zuneless, FM modulator.  At that point I could hear Bridgette saying come on Nate, plug me know you want it.  I can't beleive I never thought of trying to stream music in my car.  I guess it isn't all that straight-forward as cars don's have the internet, but still, I am usually on top of that kind of stuff.

It was awesome, sounded great, had way better songs than any radio stations, and never has commercials.  In short, it makes a long, crappy commute much better.  In fact, after listening for only 10 minutes I couldn't see myself being without Pandora in the car ever again.  

Thanks Bridgette, you're the best!

Fun with Logan...

So Logan is getting into his 3-year old bratty stride a little early.  His only problem is that he still has a cute little todler whenever he does or says bratty things it ends up being really funny.

For example, I called Heidi on the phone today and I could hear Logan in the background, and he was a little mad.  Apparently, he just got out of timeout and he still was not happy with his present situation.  Anyway, I heard Heidi give him a little 2-name warning (you know, the one where your mom calls you by your first and middle name)...And Logan walked up to her and in his combination sweet/mad voice he said: "mom, wanna piece of me?"  It was hilarious.  It took me five minutes to stop laughing about it (which was okay because he couldn't see me--but I don't think Heid was able to hold it in).  We try not to laugh so it doesn't get the wrong idea of what is funny.

These types of occurences come daily now.  Yesterday when I dropped him off at nursery in church, he started crying (which is a little wierd, but he was tired).  When the girl (someone that Logan really likes) came up to him and said "Hey Logan, wanna play with some toys?"  He gave her the crustiest look and said "I'm never talking to you!"  She laughed too.

So there you go.  Heid and I are on notice of what's to come.  It's nice that it is cute now...because we certainly know that it isn't cute coming from an 8-year-old.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Boo-ya, I'm saved...

Coming at you again from Bridgette (the name I settled on for my blackberry).  I'm sitting in the car outside of Hobby Lobby...which is way better than being inside of Hobby Lobby.

And who gets credit for my current situation?  Austin.

We pulled into the parking lot and he said "mommy, can I just wait in the car, read or something?"

It was watching a receiver for your favorite football team pulling down a hail mary pass with no time left on the clock.

What mom can say no to that?  So I want to give a quick shout out to Austin for a job well done. And for having such good manly crappy-store avoidance instincts at such a young age...I'm proud you.  I defy anyone to find an 8-year old with similarly honed abilities.

Maybe I'll start teaching him to burp the alphabet --the next step to becoming a true master.