Saturday, March 7, 2009

Boo-ya, I'm saved...

Coming at you again from Bridgette (the name I settled on for my blackberry).  I'm sitting in the car outside of Hobby Lobby...which is way better than being inside of Hobby Lobby.

And who gets credit for my current situation?  Austin.

We pulled into the parking lot and he said "mommy, can I just wait in the car, read or something?"

It was watching a receiver for your favorite football team pulling down a hail mary pass with no time left on the clock.

What mom can say no to that?  So I want to give a quick shout out to Austin for a job well done. And for having such good manly crappy-store avoidance instincts at such a young age...I'm proud you.  I defy anyone to find an 8-year old with similarly honed abilities.

Maybe I'll start teaching him to burp the alphabet --the next step to becoming a true master.

1 comment:

Linda Barton said...

"You have learned well, grasshopper"...